Moo 1st Birthday

Friday, 29 August 2008

I got tagged!!!

I got tagged by maine.
V excited 'coz suaku me first time kenna tagged!!


1. In which month and year did you met your husband for the first time?
May 2004

2. In which month and year did you two officially starting dating?
May 2004 (week after meeting!!)

3. Where was the first dating place the two of you went to?
Upper Street, Islington (London), in a pub for drinks first then to Yellow River Cafe for dinner.

4. What was the most touching thing he did to you when you two were still dating?
Used to come all the way from Canary Wharf (his work) to Paddington station to wait for me to come in from Reading. He HATES taking the tube and trains but he did that for me all the time (until I moved in with him of course)

5. How about after your marriage?
when he stands by me when I'm throwing a tantrum after a stressful day with the kids (gets screamed at by me and still can tell me he loves me)

6. Share your lowest period of your life with him.
I really struggled with 2 kids at first and plus we are not sleeping together (I sleep with Moo and he sleeps with Boo). Used to row everyday and plus he was not v pleased with his career progression then.

7. Share your happiest moment with him?
When we sat by the river in Oxford.

8. Share your saddest moment with him.
Thankfully none so far!!

9. Share your angriest moment with him.
hmm... i know when, when he got really drunk when Boo was only 6 weeks old and did something in the dining room (which i cannot say to save his face!)

10. Share your funniest moment with him.
When we danced (all four of us) to All Summer Long (by Kid Rock)

11. Share your most frustrated moment with him.
Sometimes he rather play with Boo than help with Moo

12. Lastly, when was the last time you two hold hands and walk under the moonlight, like how you used to do?
In Menorca, but only for a short while... difficult with 2 kiddos...

I wanna get tagged again!!!