Moo 1st Birthday

Monday 8 September 2008

More on Cornwall

St Ives:
My fav place in Cornwall! Really pretty, very artistic feel. Lovely port and a white sandy beach too. Only took us about an hour to reach - yes, daddy, you are THE man. We had delicious cornish pasties for lunch at the windiest spot, Boo enjoyed her sausage roll and Moo shared my pasty.

Bit of trek to get to from the carpark - lots of steep steps! Nice place but bit small. Didnt like the fact that there are always cars trying to run us down as we walk along the streets (streets are really narrow with no pavement). Had a great meal in a posh seafood restaurant but I ended up on the floor playing with Moo - not a good look. Moo and I took the bus back up to carpark while smelly AM took Boo in pushchair and walked up.

I like this place. Nice port, a beach. Had lunch in a quiet cafe so Boo and Moo made all the noise they wanted - which was none coz there's no one to disturb!! We realised, the posher the place, the more noise they make.
o and we realised that when we get an ice cream cone for Boo, we must now get one for Moo or else he will flip! Check out his chocy face after eating his cone.