I read an article this morning on my way to work and it was like reading something I could have written myself.
I must say I consider myself a very lucky woman. I have 2 gorgeous kids who listen to reason (most of the time) and are full of character. And a very loving and lovely husband who does try to pull his weight around the house.
Yet I find myself feeling angry, and not knowing who or what I'm really angry with.
After reading this article, I am finally able to put a finger on what I have been angry about.
It is the realistion that after being single and only looking after only my own interests for 30yrs, I am now responsible for a family - that it is up to me to make sure that the house is clean and tidy, that the weekly grocery shopping is done, that the kids get fed on time, that the dirty clothes get washed and dried, that the kids get enough one-to-one time with each parent and doesnt feel neglected especially since we both work, that they take their vitamins, that the husband doesnt get neglected, that we still do things as a couple, that holidays get booked, the list goes on...
No wonder even though I go to bed when Moo does at 8pm every night, I still wake up feeling like I have been fighting a battle. Because I have! My mind can't go to sleep. When I get woken up in the mid of the night by Moo asking for milk, I find myself thinking of the clothes which are still left wet in the washing machine which I MUST hang out tomorrow, knowing that it will be a mad rush in the morning to get the kids ready and out the house that I would not have time to do it and in the evening, in what little we have after we pick them up and put them to bed, I have to try to spend some quality time with them, put the washing out and try to unwind from a day's work in order to be able to sleep.
I know we all choose the life we live.
That no one ordered me to go back to work and send the 2 kids to a childminder.
But it is tough.
It is f**king difficult!
Moo 1st Birthday
The MOM Song
Monday, 23 February 2009
Why do Women feel so Angry?
Posted by Lynnie at 13:52 0 comments
Friday, 20 February 2009
We are going back to Singapore!
Tickets have been booked!
The Warren Family is invading Singapore on 28 March to 12 April!
Cant wait to get back home and eat all the hawker food! *DROOL*
And see all my good friends and their kiddies
And see my parents and bro and his new fiancee
And go SHOPPING!!!
We are flying direct on SIA, first time Moo and Boo will be taking 13 hour flight
Everyone, please pray with me - they will sleep, they will sleep, they will sleep...
Posted by Lynnie at 16:36 0 comments
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Congrats to Kel and Min
My little brother is going to get married!
I cant believe it!
Big Congrats to you and Ah Min - you lucky fella!
Here's wishing both of you lots of happiness and love...
Posted by Lynnie at 11:09 0 comments
Monday, 16 February 2009
Lucy's 3rd Party Preparations
Preparations for Lucy's 3rd party has started!
Mummy's got the entertainer, she's coming for 2 hours to sing, dance and generally keep the kids happy and merry.
Church hall is booked.
Invites are sent out. 25 kids in total!
A sample of her birthday invite - I got them from ebay and they can be personalised. Very cool I thought!

Posted by Lynnie at 11:41 0 comments
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal
Daddy is a BIG Arsenal fan.
And he managed to get a couple of tickets to watch his fav team play at the Emirates Stadium.
He really enjoys going for the matches. Hopefully next time when Boo is older, she can go with Daddy 'coz she is turning out to be a Arsenal fan as well!
Posted by Lynnie at 14:00 0 comments
We had snow (week of 1 Feb)!
We had the COLDEST winter in the last 20 years!
During the first week of Feb, we had 6 inches of snow in London. 6 inches!! That is like BIG time, major event! In fact, to commemorate the event, all the buses were not running, almost all tubes lines suspended and trains are grounded. Supposedly, its the wrong type of snow... no sorry, right type of snow but too much of it.
Almost all schools are closed and Lesley also decides that for HSSE reasons, she will be closed for 2 days. So Mummy and Daddy are forced to work from home for Mon and Tues.
We did manage to get out when the snow finally stopped and had a good time walking on fresh snow and building snowman in our back garden.
We do like snow, but only for the first 5 min, after that, we just want it gone!
Posted by Lynnie at 13:34 0 comments
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Birthday to Me & Happy Valentine's Day
Today's my birthday and the Warren Family went into Central London!
Yes, all of us, onto the London Underground and into town. A real complishment and actually, quite a joy.
We went to Covent Garden first.
Its very cold again today but sunny ('coz its my BIRTHDAY!)
I look like I'm not wearing alot but I've got 3 pairs of tights on and 4 layers under my jumper coat so I'm warm as a bug.
Boo and Moo are all nicely wrapped up of course!
Posted by Lynnie at 18:28 0 comments