Moo 1st Birthday

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Woke up really excited today... we are going to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland!!

Boo was v happy but a bit concerned that Moo is not coming with us. Told her its ok, he's still too young and we can get him a pressie when we are there.

Today is super cold - 3 degrees, so I wrapped both of us up really well. Boo had 3 t-shirts, a jumper and a winter coat on, and a hat and originally a scarf but we thought it was abit over-doing it so scarf came off at the bus stop.

On the train there - bought us a piece of cake at the coffee place at station.

We were v lucky, saw the guards on horses going towards Buckingham Palace for the changing of guards ceremony when we were walking towards Hyde Park. Mummy quickly took a pic.

Boo all nice and cosy in our new pushchair - the Micralite Toro (reviews another time)

Finally we are at the Winter Wonderland!

Big Santa and little Boo

Our favourite ride... the "Merry-go-round" as Boo calls it.

I went on it with her and I enjoyed it lots too!

The ice-skating rink. We promised each other that when we are older, we will come skate here (Mummy better starts practising!)
Waiting for our turn on the Winter Express train.