Moo 1st Birthday

Monday 29 December 2008

Off to see Santa (at Willows Farm) - 20 Dec

The last weekend before Chritmas! Finally the whole Warren fam are all free from flu and ready for some Xmas cheer. So we decided what better than to go see Santa at his grotto!
Boo has actually seen Father Christmas 4 times already so plus this time it will be 5 - Lucky girl!
We decided that the Santa Grotto at Willows Farm is the best choice - close-by, free (except for Boo 'coz she will be getting a pressie from Santa), and they have a great in-door playcentre.

We went about 10am but there were already lots and lots of cars there. So Daddy was getting bit grumpy 'coz he thought there will be a long queue. But surprisingly, the queue wasn't half as bad. They have a lovely winter wonderland, so we were able to take some photos and look at the decorations while waiting.

Boo and Moo waiting in the queue. Lucky Moo gets to sit in his cosy pushchair while Boo has to walk!

Boo is getting v good at posing in front of the camera!
She also loves the Xmas decorations.

Slightly grumpy Daddy - 'coz he's cold! And he's the native!! What about me??!!?? I'm not used to this silly cold weather! Singapore is hot all the time!

I realised most of the photos in the blog are Boo's so I'm making a big effort to take more of Moo's now!

Me and my 2 BEAUTIFUL kids!

It is a really good Santa grotto!
Santa was very friendly and took time to speak to Boo and ask her what she would like for Xmas - and she gave her whole list!!
And we has some great photos (taken by their photographer of course) with Santa.
Most importantly, we got to choose our own gift from the toy warehouse - Boo picked a PINK fluffy bag with ballet slippers on it.
Overall, a very good experience! Will go again next year!
Next we went to the in-door playcentre at the Farm 'coz it's too cold outside!

Moogie on the tractor!
I really like the jumper Moo has on - it has an orange monster on it with headphones on and it says - Not Listening. Daddy says it looks like Moo and from now on, he's going to call Moo, Fungy (why I don't know??!!??)

Moogie with the ball-balls!

Boo coming down the slide!

Moogie really loves the slide and the 2-4yr olds area. He crawled so fast around that mummy was out of breathe chasing him.

Finally, a sit-down! Lunch time.

A great day out!
And we went back to Willows Farm again that Sunday - 'coz we promised Boo to take her on the merry-go-round and Tristan the Tractor.
It's great to be their members - hee hee :P