Moo 1st Birthday

Sunday 4 January 2009

To the Zoo in sub-zero temperature!

The Warren family decided that what better way to welcome in the (freezing) cold new year but to go to our FAV zoo, Whipsnade.
I'm not kidding, it really is freezing - its -3 degrees!

The zoo is one where you can drive the car in. Thank goodness Moo fell asleep on the way there so mummy used that as an excuse to stay in the car with him while Daddy brave the cold with Boo.
But Moo woke up when Boo and Daddy was away looking at the lions, cheetah and giraffes so mummy has no choice but to put coat on him and take him out.
Daddy and Boo came back very happy - Boo was really cold but enjoyed herself loads. Too bad all the animals were all in their shelter 'coz it was freezing cold!!

Anyway, the next stop was the elephants and mummy thought since we came all the way here, must take some photos.

Awww... Daddy and the kiddos.

Do you think the kiddos are wrapped up warm enough?
Moo has 2 long-sleeved body suits, a T-shirt, a jumper and a coat.
Boo has 2 long-sleeved T-shirts, a dress, leggings and pair of tights, a cardigan and a coat.
In the end, even Daddy surrendered and said it was too cold so we retreated to the nice warm car and have our picnic

Look at Boo's L-shaped bread!

The leftover from our picnic.
Mummy was still starving after it 'coz she only had a couple of slices of bread. So we went to McDonalds drive-in.
Lesson here - when it looks cold, it probably is TOO COLD!!!