Moo 1st Birthday

Sunday 18 January 2009

Moo's better but now I'm poorly!

Moo's a lot better.
Stopped vomitting since Fri and his diarrhea also seem to have stopped so really thanks be to God and all you lovely people who prayed with us.

Also he got his appetite back, been almost eating normally now. In fact he drank so much milk yesterday we thought he was going to explode!

But poor mummy got the bug on Fri and yesterday was the worst!
I think I spent most of the day in the toilet...

but I'm also feeling better and bit hungry now.

Daddy brought the 2 kiddies to Willows Farm on his own this morning - FIRST TIME!!!
and he is going to bring some nice food back for lunch - yummy.

Hope no one else in the family gets this horrible stomach bug.